'Parenthood' Exhibition at Left Bank, Leeds

'Parenthood' Exhibition at Left Bank, Leeds

Big news that I forgot to actually do a blog post about! 

For the last couple of months I've been putting together an exhibition of members of a group I am involved with - Parents Of Small Biz 

Although the group is for parents who run any kind of small business, I realised that a lot of us are creative, and so thought it would be nice to bring our work together in one place.

One of our members Zoe Pickburn, copywriter extraordinaire, wrote this lovely description for the exhibition, and I definitely couldn't have put it any better!

'They say babies don’t keep — but nor does inspiration. With our children as our muses, we are bringing the raw reality of parenting in the 2020's to light.Curated by Printmaker Katherine Rathmell, and growing from the POSBL (Parents Of Small Biz Leeds) community, this exhibition showcases the work of creative parents in Leeds.It features art and words from local creators highlighting the push and pull of creating art while raising children, and the beauty and brutality of watching those children grow up. We hope it strikes a chord with other parents walking the same beaten track, and we also hope it makes some of the invisible work of caring for the next generation more visible and accessible to people who aren’t immersed in parenthood.'

Left Bank was where POSBL was first formed and so it seemed a perfect venue to showcase our creativity.

The whole thing couldn't have been done without help from other members, Jo @happyasabean) founder of POSBL helped hang, Jules (@now.then.sunshine) kindly did the lettering and printed out the labels, and then on the launch night we had harpist Eleri (@eleriharp) playing, and poets Jodie (@motherserpentine) and Carrieanne (@cvivartsfinearts) doing spoken word pieces. It was a lovely event, with lots of members and their children coming along to enjoy the sunshine, art and performances.

The exhibition runs until the 8th September, check Left Bank's website for opening times.

I will now be hiding away for awhile, the whole thing was very out of my comfort zone!

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